Constant doorbell ringing and bangers will upset your dog. Here are some tips to help the situation 👻🎃
Secure your dog behind a closed door or in a crate in a room away from the front door or the party if children are meeting at your house. Play music or leave a TV or radio playing in the dog’s room to help mask the sounds of the activity at the front door. Close curtains so that the dog does not see people coming and going through the window. If you have a dog that barks at the sound of the doorbell, disconnect it or watch for trick-or-treaters so that they do not have to ring or knock. Puppies and dogs that like to chase can get overly excited by costumes with dangly bits or streaming material. Keep your dogs (and cats) indoors around Halloween time. Pets have been stolen, injured or poisoned as part of Halloween pranks or other rituals. 🎃👻 Keep dogs out of the sweet bowl this Halloween. Dispose of sweet wrappers before your pets get to them, since the wrappers can cause choking or intestinal obstruction. Note: Chocolate contains theobromine, which can cause nerve damage and even death in dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more concentrated it is -- and the smaller the lethal dose. 👻🎃
To be on the safe side, just bring all of your Halloween sweets to your groomer, we will look after them very well 😉 (joke) Here are some other foods that are toxic to dogs...please feel free to comment with other known toxins Thank you to all our wonderful sponsors without whom our Championships couldn't happen - please visit them via the following links to show your support
Irish Professional Dog Groomers Assoc.Nurturing and supporting the Dog Grooming Profession in Ireland Archives
November 2022