About Conor Like you I'm a dog nut. My background includes a doctorate studying the effects of diet on animal behaviour and five years in Guide Dogs (Ireland and Australia) as a trainer and Pup Supervisor. For the last six years I have been neck deep in canine nutrition, conducting international nutritional seminars for vets, canine professionals and public alike. I'm a dedicated advocate and blogger on all things nutrition and natural health (check out Dogs First Ireland on Facebook!) and I'm proud father to Dudley, a slightly odd black and white Cocker Spaniel. What he lacks in brains and grace he makes up with determination (though to be fair this could apply to the both of us). About Canident
9/10 dogs have gum disease by three years of age. 9/10 dogs are dry fed. 9/10 dogs are no longer receiving meaty bones in their diet. Foul teeth and gum disease (known as gingivitis, from the latin it is meaning disease or itis of the gums or ginga), is a painful and debilitating disease in dogs. A high carb, dry pebbled diet causes gum disease in dogs. It arises from a build up of plaque that, when left unattended, forms a tough layer of yellow tartar beside the blood rich gum line. Bacteria now have easy access to the blood-highway. This is bad news. This means the immune system is in a constant state of arousal, defending itself from invaders, drawing daily on the bodies resources leaving the patient more vulnerable to disease. To top it all off, a by-product of these bacteria is a bad smell, leading to all the bad breath (halitosis). It is often the first sign that all is not well in the mouth (and possibly gut). Worse still it has a knock-on effect on other organs too. Studies have shown that advance periodontal disease can lead to heart, liver, kidney and respiratory problems. periodontitis can also complicate the management of diseases such as diabetes. I got involved with Canident two years ago. It's a brilliant product and it works. It's now stocked by numerous shops and groomers around Ireland. For only €17 it will drastically reduce the tartar on your dog's teeth in 8-10wks or your money back. Your cannot lose by giving it a go and considering the alternative (dental scrape, anesthesia and sometimes surgery for €200) it's a no brainer. Canident works systemically through your dogs saliva to loosen tartar enabling it to be easily removed by the simple chewing of a nice, fresh bone. A fresh mouth means fresh breath. Made in Ireland, it is an entirely natural product that contains no artificial chemicals, additives or preservatives. We are looking for stockists. Canident is but one of our products. We have a growing range of meat treats and natural products which you can find at dogsfirst.ie Comments are closed.
Irish Professional Dog Groomers Assoc.Nurturing and supporting the Dog Grooming Profession in Ireland Archives
November 2022